unrefined oils
Welcome to the site of Olejvita. You will find here healthy, tasty and natural oils. All our products are free of preservatives and are 100% natural. We press the oils on your order, so as to provide you with the freshest taste sensations.

A pinch of information about us
It started innocently, with the need for fat with due to vegetable and fruit diet. After a short time, the fascination with novelties and healthy food turned into a passion that resulted in our products. We are a small family oil mill, which allows for full control of oil production - starting from the selection of seeds, ending with bottling. Our oils are pressed at a temperature below 40 degrees Celsius, thanks to which they do not lose their healing benefits.
Letter in the bottle
Thank you for your interest
of our products. Write to us and we will be happy to answer your questions.